1968 On the USS Constellation - Vietnam
1968 Flying UH2 Sea Sprite, destroyer transfer - Vietnam
1975 Deception Pass State Park
1976 1249th OR Guard at Madras
1984 Chuck and Trix - Easter
1986 Mt Aukum with son Peter on Boy Scout outing
1998 91st Division Pipeband in Washington DC
2005 Chuck and Trix in Paris
2005 Thanksgiving - Chuck and Trix with son Peter and wife Sonja, son Michael and wife Megan and thier children Taylor and Brady
2007 Cruise
2008 St Patrick's Day - Old Sacramento
I was a Search and Rescue helicopter pilot for the US Navy during Vietnam, spent some time in Oregon in the 70s, but have lived in California most of my life. I graduated from Roseville High School and from Sierra College before I went into the Navy.
I have been playing bagpipes since 1990. I learned to play in the 91st Division Band. That is also the year I joined the Sacramento Caledonian Club and Clan Gunn. I was the Noncommissioned Officer in Charge of the 91st Division Pipe Band from 1994 to 2000 and was a member of the City of Sacramento Pipe Band from 1992 to 2001. In 2000, I transferred to the 59th Army Band, California National Guard in Sacramento. I was a platoon sergeant for the band as well as their bagpiper until I retired in 2005.
I’m married and have two boys (who are no longer married) and so far have two grandchildren. I retired at the end of 2001 from SMUD as a computer program analyst and then participated regularly with the California National Guard Veterans Honors Program rendering military honors at veterans’ funerals until 2006. I still play for the VHP on occasion as well as for patriotic events like Memorial Day, Fourth of July, etc. I also play Irish drum and other percussion with Celtic folk groups like Griffin and Ecumania and have even sat in with Wicked Tinkers a time or two.
Currently I am in the California State Military Reserve and serve as a liaison officer with the National Guard and the Office of Emergency Service when National Guard resources are used for State Emergencies such as wildfires, flood, earthquake, etc. One of my main interests right now is supporting deployed military units by sending care packages and enlisting others to join in this project. My Scottish American Military Post is helping with support of a Marine/Navy casualty evacuation group and has raised funds to purchase an all weather set of bagpipes to loan to pipers deployed overseas that do not wish to take their expensive blackwood pipes. We have deployed the pipes three times in the past two years. I’ve been playing for returning troops at the airports and involving other pipers to do the same. Many groups are doing similar support. There is more information on my website: Jamison's Celtic Events Calendar
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