2004 Hawaii with husband EJ AUG 2007 - My photo isn't in the yearbook. I came into Roseville High in November/December 1961. . .spent the first 3 months of my senior year in Santa Cruz, and before that I was in Fairborn, Ohio, for 3 years. I got to Roseville after the pictures had been taken (except for activites--and since choir/chorus was my only "activity," that was the only place my photo ended up, I think!). After Roseville I went to Sac State, then on to UC Davis. From there, I went to Ramstein, Germany (Dad was stationed there), then came back in '66 and ended up in Monterey for almost 4 years. Joined the Naval Reserve in '66 after I got to Monterey, then requested recall to active duty in '70, when I was sent to Orlando. From there, I became the first WAVE to be granted a YN-2505 NEC (Naval Intelligence Clerk), and then the second WAVE to be sent to Japan (would've been the first, but my command wanted a contact relief before they'd let me go). Met my husband, EJ, "behind the green door" at COMNAVFORJAPAN (N-2 - Intel), and after we got married in '73, we were assigned to Okinawa (he was at Hanza with the cryppies, and I was with Naval Investigative Service). I got out after we left, and EJ was assigned to Skaggs Island, CA (near Mare Island), and I studied court reporting. Then we headed for Hawaii for 4-1/2 years, where I worked as a legal secretary, paralegal, and as a court reporter. Our son was born in Hawaii in '82. From there, it was Subic Bay, RP, then back for EJ's last tour at Corry Station, Pensacola, as Course Manager of CTM "A" School. He went back and got his BS and MS in counseling and human development, and I went back for my own MS in computing technology in education. We spent almost 20 years in Pensacola, then, by total serendipity, came up to visit some friends here [Washington state], fell in love with the place, and, once I retired, decided to ditch Pensacola and head for the hills (literally!). We've been here not quite 5 months and absolutely love it. We wake up everyday and marvel about how lucky we are to have found this mini-paradise. I still find it hard to believe you found me through Irlen! (I got interested in Irlen Syndrome when we discovered our son Brian had it, 'long about 10 years back. I've since done tons of research on it and got involved with trying to get color intervention implemented in the Navy. Now that I've retired, I'm setting up my own business to continue to work with literacy-impaired people, young and old, and to see whether and how color intervention might be used to help them.) We won't be able to make the 45th reunion - too much going on, including an international education conference I'm slated to attend just after the reunion's scheduled date. Susi |