Roseville Union High School Class of 1962

Updated 7/7/24

Welcome from Roseville, California.

RUHS Building

Every first Tuesday of the month, we have a very nice luncheon at the Roseville Denny’s. So, even if you’re not local, if you are in the area on the first Tuesday come by. 11 am. The address is 122 Sunrise Ave, Roseville, CA 95661. Your friends who may not be from our class are also welcome.

We have a date for the class of 1962 RUHS Reunion. Saturday, October 5, 2024 Starts at 4:30 at The Monk's Cellar, 240 Vernon St, Roseville, CA 95678

Here is a link to the photos from our reunion August 13th, 2022 10 A.M. to 2 PM. at Woodbridge Park, Roseville Ca.

We have a Class of 1962 Facebook page - check it out

Consider joining the Alumni Association.
For information on becoming a member of the Alumni Association contact Membership at: or send $10 to ?RHSAA, P0. Box 240, Roseville CA 95678
Download Alumni Membership Form

There are alumni events listed at: Roseville High School Alumni Pages. Do not go to: which is what comes up if you do a google search for RHSAA.

Alumni Facebook page



The Nostalgia Machine

Stuff from the 50s. How many do you remember?

Here is a link to the Wikipedia entry for 1962 - Pretty interesting now but I was pretty oblivious to some potentially life altering events going on at the time. To name a few: the Cuban missile crisis, the end of French control of Algeria, and Telstar was launched which began the whole satelite communications network that we take for granted today.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow and So It Goes.. 

50's Videos

More Music Videos (thanks to Carl Rasher)

Lost in the Fifties

This is a Jukebox that will play all of your favorite songs from 1952 through 1982 ....and it is free. One of the best features is that it will play in the background.

Here are links to the years you were born (Class of 1962) and what was going on: 1943 - 1944 - 1945


Webmaster: Chuck Jamison · oakpiper(at)